I think being frustrated is the worst emotion for me, there is something so bottled about it . . . I can feel it like a stone in the pit of my stomach, it's horrible.
I got in the weirdest argument with my dad this morning.
We were looking at a magazing about Quebec and I said "This picture is really cool." And he said, "Oh, is that Ottawa?" And I kind of laughed and said "Dad, come one, Ottawa isn't in Quebec. Canadian's hate Quebec, their capital is NOT in Quebec." Etc, Etc.
So he says, I kid you not, "A million dollars it's in Quebec."
So in the air I draw Quebec (the province) and say Ottawa is right here across the river on the bottom (which it is) but then I screwed up I said that the province next to Quebec was Alberta when I meant Ontario. But the gist of it, that Ottawa was right
next to Quebec name of the province be damned.
Well my Dad refused to be wrong. He says "Well I was a hell of a lot closer than you, you were off by a thousand miles."
"No, I said it was right next to Quebec I just switched the name of provinces."
"You might have said in that little head of yours that they were right . . ."
Basically he pretended that he was right even though the whole conversation . . . I
know it's petty but I'm still so freaking upset about it. I don't even know why. I think because, since only the two of us were there, his reality
was reality. There was no one to dispute, no referee.
That's what my life needs.
A plutonic referee.
Basically. I fucking know my Canadian geography, okay? Okay.

I could do without the writing, but the picture is pretty poignant.
It's true. I will. Forever.