So, we're supposed to be this progressive, human-rights minded, environmentally friendly state. . . right?
The Washington State Lottery's "motto" is: "Who's world could you change?"
But instead of showing a winner converting their house to solar energy . . . or donating to a soup kitchen. . . instead they show a bunch of idiots para-gliding with birds.
Chickens. Ostriches. Penguins.
"Every bird should get to fly."
Really? Really?.
I'm so sick of every ad-exec and TV producer thinking I'm an idiot, treating us all like we have not even a modicum of intelligence.
It's just that, when we're talking about lives we could change . . . I think penguins are pretty happy with their lot in life. The people of Sierra Leon however. . .
serious news
I am way too fucking complacent.
I was blog stalking today and read that one of my friends, well, their friend was attacked for being gay.
I think that I've actually convinced myself that gays have it okay now. (I mean they just got California, right?) And then I realize . . . Jesus. . . they're fighting for marriage one state at a time. There's a part of me that thinks, hey marriage shouldn't be a federal responsibility, it should be a state-by-state thing. The problem with that, however, is that marriage is a federal responsibility currently.
I'm lazy. I'm not going to lie. I'm going to do absolutely nothing about the current state of affairs. And in six months I'll look back and feel guilty.
Politics are complicated. (Which is why I'm not a poli-sci major.) I think what I should do this summer, is read up on every issue I can. I mean, I'm not completely head-in-the sand blind to world affairs (I read my New York Times, I check NPR whenever I can) but I don't do the research. Yes, I think I'll read up and for once and for all I'm going to form an opinion. I keep making decisions from my gut (I want everyone happy, healthy and free) but I don't understand the logistics.
I read a book last quarter, Six Billion Plus: World Population in the 21st Century (which i recommend to everyone) and it really opened my eyes to how much I don't know. Which is a tough thing to face when you're young and full of enthusiasm and absolutely convinced you're and right and righteous.
fun news
I chatted with the cutest boy yesterday. His name is Brandon and he was in the language lab with me. He's in my major and he lived in Argentina for a year. I froze when he started speaking Spanish (I understood, but as far as returning the conversation . . . oops).
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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