El corazón del apuro está con nuestro alfabeto absurdo, no sabe deletrear y no puede ser enseñado. - Mark Twain
I like that quote. It has nothing with the rest of this blog, but, still. . .
"We paint the world with love and hate. . ." -Ceesau
It's stuck in my head in a loop, that line, though I've been listening to Paul Simon for the greater part of the week (tossed some Steve Miller and Led Zeppelin in for good measure, not to mention I listened to Sondre Lerche's new stuff which is fantastic. (A second side note, has anyone listened to DCFC's new cd? Is it any good?)) I am a parentheses fanatic. Back to the line.
I think it's true, but I wonder why. We're, or maybe I should avoid the collective 'we' but what the fuck ever, right? We are, I think, very scared of shades of gray. You either loved the movie, or hated it. Love this candidate, hate that one. We are loathe to find a middle ground. Maybe this is why it's so hard for relationships (friendship, acquaintanceship (ha), love, etc.) to last.
For example, just this week I was having Eric read a script I'm working on and he said "well I wouldn't watch it, but it's good." And I was furious. Well, of course you'll watch it, I wrote it. His response "well I hate that kind of show." Which only pissed me off more. Why does he have to 'hate' it? What happened to weighing pros and cons?
I am so rambling.
I am not innocent, however. Later we were watching a basketball game and I couldn't stop myself from saying "oh I hate the Suns" which is ridiculous, I'm not passionate about basketball and hate is passion, is it not.
Of course this painting of the world happens on a larger scale. We hate leaders, and entire countries and populations (well okay, we, is used very generally in that, groups of people hate other groups of people etc etc.)
I'm not suggesting neutrality. Because, how boring but perhaps a little. . .
My parents love Scrubs and Dr. Cox had a really good quote the other day about hate losing meaning and him having to come up with a new word. . .
We're taking the passion out of passionate emotions. . . i think. . .is what i'm trying to say.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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