ed·i·fi·ca·tion –noun
1. an act of edifying.
2. the state of being edified; uplifted.
3. moral improvement or guidance.
I am offering these artists up for your edification. So that you may be edified, up lifted and morally improved.
--Some/Most of the following are new artists to me so I'm recommending specific songs rather than entire collections--
Wilco - Heavy Metal Drummer
"A double kick drum by the river in the summer
She fell in love with the drummer
Another then another
She fell in love"
So his kid is adorable. FYI.
Apostle of Hustle - Cheap Like Sebastien
"The smallest truth is the brightest
A tiny undeniable fire
The smallest truth is found hiding
You’re scared but you’re not a liar"
The singer cracks me up. I want to dance with him. And, he acts while he sings. And (double and) he kind of looks like David Spade.
Greg Summerlin - Unlucky In Love
It is important to listen to the whole album. It's a story, you see.
If you like what you hear you can read the story here. Scroll to the bottom for a song by song explanation. It's quite beautiful, I think. An original.
The New Pornographers - Sing Me Spanish Techno
"The hourglass spills its sand
if only to punish you
for listenin' too long
to one song"
pretty much my new anthem
The 88 - Coming Home
This song is commercial city (Target and Sears from what I can remember) but also it's good. So whatever.
Marjorie Fair - Waves
"The person that I thought I was
Is something that I don't think is coming true"
It's a pretty video for a pretty song.
Wheat - I met a girl
"And you've got permission to see other men while you sleep
And we wage perpetual war for perpetual peace"
i think he's cute and his lyrics are fantastic.
Check these kids out too (if you have the time)
Pedestrian Rock
David Mead
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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