I'm tired of:
working at 5 a.m.
I am listening to:
the new pornographers
Maybe I should :
finish my tesol reading. write something. think about dinner.
I wish:
diet coke wasn't so tasty.
Chocolate is:
really really good in really really small amounts
I have lost my respect for:
ooh. juicy. people who expose themselves.
The meaning of my display name is:
oh! oh! i know this one. it means once upon a time hanley couldn't think of anything more original than using the lyrics to a simon and garfunkle song.
Right now I'm craving:
hm. honestly. i want lost as a series to be over so i can veg for several days and watch it all in one go. i don't do suspense. or, i do. but in small doses -- i mean, come on.
i will have a receptionist and i will buy her coffee everyday.
I will always remember:
the time i almost caught captain jack sparrow. seriously, i probably will. also. the first time kat read our screenplay.
Love is:
i have a tutor session with my chinese girls.
I get annoyed:
super super easily and i absolutely don't hide it.
Is your hair wet?
Is your cell phone right by you?
i never answer it but i always know where it is.
Do you miss someone?
c'est la vie.
Are you wearing chap stick?
do you wear chap stick? i'm aware that you apply it . . . anyways, no, i have not applied it recently.
Are you tired?
sort of. but it's getting close to bedtime.
Are you wearing pajamas?
Are you mad?
not even a little bit. but i am annoyed.
Are you upset?
Last phone call?
my daddy.
Last time you cried?
i got really frustrated with eric and cried it out and then i called him and i realized it was all a misunderstanding. but that was a couple of weeks ago.
Last hug?
Ever dated someone twice?
Been cheated on?:
Been over-seas?
Lost someone close?
my cousin when i was younger. my grandfather just recently. actually. i don't like this question. :(
Three favorite colors:
Have you made a new friend this month?
Fallen out of love this month?
i fell out of love with csi: las vegas.
Laughed until you almost cried this month?
Met someone who changed your life this month?
hm. my life hasn't changed in the last month, but, that doesn't mean the people i met this month won't lead to life changing -- this question just got really philosophical/metaphysical and strange...
Found out who your true friends and best friends were?
i hate this question. oh. there i go throwing the hate word around. basically, one of my pet peeves is when people say "i found out who my true friends were because so and so. . ." we're not in third grade anymore. i'm thinking these thoughts at particular someone because i swear if that particular person says "so and so is my best friend because she'd never lie to. and so and so is a true friend . . . " all the while implying i've done something to you . . . i will punch the wall. and then i will block your phone calls.
hm. it feels good to rant. refreshing.
Is there something you want to tell someone?
yes. i kind of said it above. but here goes:
I will call you Doe.
Doe, you are a self-pitying, self-destructive mess. I miss who you were and I wish you would come back. I also would like to mention that friendship is a two-way street, meaning, ask me a question about me the next time we talk and if you're cell phone rings before I'm done answering -- silence it, give me the same respect you give the audience at a movie theatre.
I just screamed into a pillow and it felt good.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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