Sunday, June 15, 2008

turning 21 and the amalfi coast

Finally 21.
There's no where I can't go now.
Except Cuba.
I really want to go to Cuba.

I said good bye to Eric today. It was horrible.

This, however, cheered me right the fuck up. I want to live here. Forever.

And the best part? The Library. I am such a nerd.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Ahhhh CRAP I totally though about you on your birthday and meant to call and then...didnt for some reason. Anyways, I hope it was wonderful! Mine was ok, a little bit stressful with family in town, but fun I guess. It's lasting too, someone else is taking me to dinner tonight so I'm all about making it a birthday week :)

the pictures are AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL. Im sorry the goodbye part was no fun. But....longing makes the heart grow fonder, or whatever the saying is... :)

I'm not back to seattle till september, at the earliest! Hows it going for you so far? Hows that company you work for!?

we need to chat soon!

love you
